A fun filled shoot for Kramp
It was tractors galore at Chicken Shed Studios as we produced an amazing shoot for Kramp agriculture. While we had an amazing time, it was ultimately a great team that pulled the shoot together.
The products we were shooting ranged from childrens ride on tractors to farm yard figurines. We had to produce a selection of short videos and stills that Kramp can use throughout the year on social media and the website. One objective from the brief was to shoot a safety video which would demonstrate the importance of safety within the farm. It was a comical day filled with many laughs and some great content for Kramp was produced. We worked with some amazing children who performed brilliantly on the day.
We shot with videographer Ben who used his quirky style to shoot some amazing videos. We hired some hay bales to give the effect of a farm yard setting, luckily the weather was in our favour too so we could shoot outdoors as well. It was a great decision to utilise our space and the surrounding fields at Chicken Shed Studios to create a farm yard space.
Check out our work below and on Kramp socials!